How do we register for the wait list? When will I hear back?
To add your family to our wait list, shrimply log in and add your family on by following the hyperlink provided. Shimply check off all [...]
To add your family to our wait list, shrimply log in and add your family on by following the hyperlink provided. Shimply check off all [...]
If your squiddo has health concerns, provide our Lead Scientists with a written note upon Sign In. This note should contain the families’ Emergency Action [...]
We shrimply cannot help ourselves.
We otter the aforementioned activities in the off-season. Our team is also open to engage in ongoing collaborations and community-driven citizen science opportunities. Contact us [...]
Families will receive a Welcome Email from [email protected] to the email provided by their user account approximately one-week prior to the start of camp. Affiliate [...]
A full view of our terms may be found here.
The age minimum/grade level restrictions will be presented in the description upon registration. We reserve the right to remove a registrant from the roster, at [...]
Campers in our K-8th programs are split up according to age as much as possible so that we may differentiate our curricula.
Repeat campers make up a large portion of our rosters! To ensure diverse curricula, communicate with your Lead Scientist(s) after obtaining their contact information. We [...]
The 11-16 program is designed for participants who are genuinely interested in exploring marine science at a deeper level. These attendees will engage in hands-on [...]