Thank you for your interest in joining New Logic Marine Science’s passionate team! Intern, Support Staff, and Lead Scientist positions offered are dependent upon overall experience. We work in a contained but variable outdoor setting, where conditions may include but not be limited to: sudden wind and rain events, extreme heat, changing tides etc. Team members must participate in all program activities, including but not limited to: Dissections, seining, curricula, kayaking, and moving gear and equipment.

Intern Position
Interns will be encouraged to learn various teaching techniques in an open classroom setting. Our interns will learn valuable fish identification skills, as well as field sampling and data collection techniques. In some cases, college credit may be received for these efforts. In order to ensure that credit may be obtained, academic advisors should be consulted well in advance prior to the start of our program.

Support Staff
The major role of our support staff is to assist the Lead Scientist in conducting various lessons and activities. Support Staff are expected to teach regularly throughout the season. The Support Staff will be responsible for the upkeep and handling of site supplies. Staffers must also be prepared to work with program attendees independently if needed.

Lead Scientists
Lead Scientists are our point-people for our designated program locations. As such, they are responsible for communicating directly with parents and guardians and relaying all relevant information back to administration. Leads implement our curriculum and dynamic activities. It is the Lead’s responsibility to set the tone for a positive and encouraging learning atmosphere.